Super Meat Boy Delete Save
Super meat boy resolution black screen youtube. Game & Watch both have a GB lime green.
I've done Any% All Glitches runs on controller before by mapping the alt key to a controller via joy2key, but now I'm trying to switch to keyboard and the alt glitch won't work in certain situations.
Feb 22, 2013 So, with that being said, I went ahead and created this quick little program that will delete your savegame.dat file as-well-as launch Super Meat Boy, all with a simple click of 2 buttons. Anyway, if I DO try Assist Mode, it will surely be once I'm done with everything I wanted to do on my normal save file. The feeling of achievement when I'm clearing a B-Side room is so big (pretty much what I've felt while playing Super Meat Boy when going for 106%), I don't want to cut that off until I'm really done with it. Sep 14, 2014 Update: Not going to bother posting a separate video for Potato Boy. Just do as in this video and go to the 1-19 warp zone afterwards. Get the two bandages there and you can now play as Potato Boy. When Meat Boy wins he attempts to save Brownie from falling into the salt. Fetus kills his feces creation with a few well thrown bricks just to spite his rival. Little Horn (Hell) At the end of Hell, Dr. Fetus springs a gigantic monster made entirely out of the many deaths of Meat Boy throughout the game. So, I've 100%'d this, and it's great. Got the golden idol. But, I love this game to death, and I wanna do it all over again- thing is, I can't find out how to delete the save data stuff to genuinely do it over. Jul 18, 2015 If it isn't, check once more if Steam cloud is disabled (Super Meat Boy - properties - updates - disable Steam cloud) and then start the game. That is most likely exactly what you have tried already, but I was thinking that maybe (just maybe) you either forgot Steam cloud or you may have only copied your save file, but didn't delete it.
When I'm just standing and pressing alt it works every time and when I'm at full running speed it usually works too, but trying to press alt and a directional key shortly after or at the same time, the game won't freeze. This usually happens standing on a single tile and trying to alt glitch.
My other key binds are shift for sprint, z for jump and the arrow keys as directional keys, but I tried different key bindings and still had the same issue. I also tried windowed and fullscreen mode, but nothing worked.
Do other people have this issue or am I the only one? Any help would be appreciated.
By ShadaxShadax. Last updated
Step 1: Open a new save of Super Meat Boy
Step 2: Enter 1-5 warpzone
Step 3: Get 3 bandages in warpzone by repeating a level
Step 4: Finish warpzone and do 1-6 through 1-11, getting all bandages
Step 5: Go back, and do stages 1-1 through 1-18, getting all bandages
Step 6: Do 1-19 warpzone, getting bandages but not repeating
Step 7: Finish warpzone, do 1-19 through 1-20 getting all bandages
It is common for Dr. Super meat boy glitch level 1. Fetus to flip off.
Step 8: Enter forest dark world, do 1-1x through 1-4x getting all bandages
Step 9: You’re done! You have Naija and Dr. Fetus as playable characters now.
Super Meat Boy won’t crash if you unlock all the other characters - it just adds slots for them as well as having slots for Dr. Fetus, potato boy, etc.
Q: How do I keep my good save while doing this glitched shit?
A: Step 1: Go where Steam is located on your computer (Probably either C:Program Files or C:Program Files(x86) but sometimes it's on the D: so if you can't find it, try searching for it)
Step 2: Open Steam --> SteamApps --> common --> Super Meat Boy --> UserData
Step 3: Copy savegame.dat into some other location
Step 4: Right click on Super Meat Boy in your Steam library and go to properties
Step 5: On the 'Updates' tab, uncheck the box at the bottom about cloud synchronization
Step 6: Delete savegame.dat in /Steam/SteamApps/common/Super
Meat Boy/UserData
Step 7: You’re done!
Step 8: If you want to put your old save back in, just delete the current savegame.dat within /Steam/SteamApps/common/Super Meat Boy/UserData and then copy savegame.dat into /Steam/SteamApps/common/Super Meat Boy/UserData. When you start the game back up, you'll have your old save
Q: How does this work?
A: No one really knows, but it has to do with having data in places it shouldn’t be due to bad code design. We can use it to make good things happen though
Super Meat Boy Delete Save Ps4
Q: Thanks?
Super Meat Boy Free Download
A: You’re welcome!